Trade Credit Insurance (TCI) has a key role to play in the current economic crisis caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. The second lockdown wave is in full swing. The economy urgently needs financial support. The governments’ credit programs have been expanded. As a result of this lockdown, the economy is facing a worsening crisis, with a feared wave of bankruptcies in the first quarter of 2021.
Mike Holley (Nexus Underwriting), Stuart Lawson (Aon Credit International EMEA), Rob Nijhout (ICISA), and Paul Cannon (Swiss Re) discussed at the SCHUMANN conference held on 1st October 2020 the current role of TCI and provided an outlook on the industry’s risk strategy throughout the crisis period.
In this video interview, the parties discussed expectations about availability of capacity going forwards, when will the claims come, long term outlook for the health of the trade credit sector, how will the crisis affect the technical underwriting methodology of credit insurers and the crisis as accelerator of digitization.

“The discussion was embedded in numerous highlights on innovations that support groundbreaking developments of technical platforms by using SCHUMANN partner networks”, said Robert Meters, SCHUMANN Head of Financial Services & Global Business and moderator at the SCHUMANN conference.
SCHUMANN Interview: Robert Meters – Rethinking Credit Risk Management in 2020 and Beyond

All sessions of the event were recorded and are not only available to the more than 600 experts from all over the world who took part, but also to all interested parties after free registration on the SCHUMANN portal here.