Trade Finance Global (TFG) is excited to announce that we have partnered with Trade and Export Finance (TXF) for two of their upcoming 2021 flagship conferences. Join us at TXF Global Commodity Finance Virtual 2021 in May and TXF Global Trade Virtual in June.
The TXF Global Commodity Finance Virtual 2021 to be held on May 26-27, 2021.

This virtual conference, with a corresponding physical event during the Geneva Commodity week, will provide all participants with a means of connecting with each other, sharing new insights, debating current affairs, and examining future opportunities.
There has never been a more important time for all commodity finance professionals to connect and plan for the future so don’t miss your chance to be part of the largest gathering of the commodity community at the moment!
The virtual event allows participants to experience top-notch content distilled by experts around the globe all from the safety and comfort of your own home.
Agenda Highlights for this years program include:
- A special keynote interview on food security challenges, Sustainable Development Goals, and the push for greater international collaboration.
- A commodities supercycle: are we entering one?
- Risky business: early warning signs, mitigation, and pricing.
- Expediting digitization, including in regions where advancements have been slower.
- Regional spotlights: Latin America – Lava Jato years later and CIS – the sustainability pioneer.
Here’s a taste of what to expect, from last years conference:
The TXF Global Trade Virtual 2021 to be held on June 15-16.

After the enormous success of TXF Global Trade Virtual 2020, the conference is back for 2021. With all the changes to the sector that have come in the past year, it’s essential to look into the future and examine how the trade sector will operate going forward. This fully digital event will bring corporates, financiers, regulators, investors, leaders, and those who care about trade and the ability to finance it together to discuss how the landscape will look and operate in 2021 and beyond.
This is not a webinar! This is a virtual event with genuine networking features, panel discussions, live Q&A, closed-door idea labs and many more! Taking place on TXF’s custom-build platform, participants can expect to hear insightful ideas and lively discussions surrounding the following key topics:
- Trends in trade
- Lending and liquidity
- Treasury perspectives
- Responsible trade and supply chain finance
- Distribution, insurance and risk transfer
- Government and development bank support for trade
- Technology and innovation
Here is a sneak preview of a pressing topic:

VIDEO: IFC – The trade finance gap is set to double. Now what? – Trade Finance Global