The magnitude and pressure around climate change and the United Nations (UN) agenda can give an opportunity to make a joint effort to transform supply chains more sustainable.
The latest issue of TFG’s Trade Finance Talks, ‘The Fintech Issue’, is out now!
Brexit has typically been seen as an issue between the UK and the EU with little thought given to the divorce agreement’s impact on other countries.
From October 4-5, 2021, World of Open Account (WOA) hosted its first face-to-face international receivables finance conference of the post-pandemic era. Held in Vienna, Austria, the WOA Community Convention’s main… read more →
Your morning coffee briefing from TFG. Inflation concerns intensify as cost of energy soars, Boris Johnson reluctant to issue more visas to foreign workers, accelerated energy transition dependent on financial markets, CEOs and world leaders call on governments to reform trade and ADB supports Sanoat Qurilish Bank’s fast-growing base of SMEs with $16.6m credit agreement.
Euler Hermes, the world’s leading trade credit insurer, states the UK is set for a significant rise in business failures as companies readjust to the removal of government COVID-19 pandemic support measures.
The current banking landscape is going through a makeover. PSD2 and open banking have it’s advantages, but there are also many opportunities to continue to level the playing field, share risks and revisit the rules.
Letters of credit are the oldest and most common type of short term trade finance, famously described as the “lifeblood of international commerce,” with some commentators suggesting their use stretches back to 3000 BC. What makes them so successful?
The notion of ‘debt-trap policy’ has elicited much debate about whether entities that deliberately flex their financial muscle to exert dominance over desperate countries exist. This work highlights its meaning, the actors, and its effects on trade and economic development.
This article posits that human rights due diligence is the most practical approach to addressing climate change concerns and achieving other sustainable development goals.