To learn more about efforts to improve operational efficiency and sustainability in the shipping space through technological advancements, Trade Finance Global’s Brian Canup spoke with Chris Sunderman, Program Lead for Banks at the Digital Container Shipping Association (DCSA).
The global economy has always undergone changes. From the agrarian-based economy in the 18th century to the advent of the Industrial Revolution, from sailboats to steamships, there has always been a shift in economy, industry, and, ultimately the dynamics of a country.
Toronto, 30 July 2024 – Surecomp® today announced a new collaboration with Visa, a world leader in digital payments.
Businesses trying to navigate the turbulent waters of international trade during current storms can afford neither starry-eyed idealism nor the comfort of theoretical abstraction.
The European Union (EU) and Singapore have successfully concluded negotiations for a landmark Digital Trade Agreement (DTA), an initiative aimed at setting global standards for digital trade and cross-border data flows.
As a country with a rich history and a strategic position in international trade, Morocco has been steadily advancing its digital infrastructure to streamline and enhance various sectors of its economy and propel the country into a new era of economic growth and global competitiveness.
The EBRD is taking a proactive role in facilitating the adoption of MLETR in various markets, including Morocco.
At the 56th Annual FCI Meeting in Seoul, Deepesh Patel, Editorial Director at Trade Finance Global, was joined on Trade Finance Talks by Steven Beck, Head of Trade and Supply Chain Finance, Asian Development Bank to discuss the role of MDBs in the facilitation of trade and supply chain finance.
To discuss the growing prominence of CPRI, Harry McIndoe and Sean Austin, Directors at BPL, joined Brian Canup in Trade Finance Talks to break down the market and discuss its utilisation by development finance institutions (DFIs) and multilateral development banks (MDBs).
The International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) Digital Standards Initiative (DSI) and the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE) have issued a joint call to action to expedite the adoption of globally interoperable standards, which are crucial for enabling digital trade across the world.