In the shadows of the interconnected world of international trade lies a pervasive threat that silently endangers the security of global markets. Financial crimes, with their detrimental effects on stability and integrity, cast a dark cloud over the world economy, threatening the trust upon which international trade relies. From money laundering to terrorist financing, illicit activities can have far-reaching consequences.
A new report by Lloyds Bank shows that UK businesses have an opportunity to flourish through exporting.
In trade finance compliance, getting the details right matters. Regulators around the world, the financial institutions involved and, of course, bank clients, have a keen interest in ensuring that trade transactions do what they are designed to do: ensure timely payment and prevent fraud, all in line with constantly changing international regulations. As that suggests, there is always the potential for a mistake to cost the bank a great deal of money and put a major dent in its reputation. That threat, in turn, can put a lot of pressure on staff.
The International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) has recently concluded the Wave 1 Pilot, a critical step in shaping the future of sustainable trade finance.
Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDCs) have infiltrated the agenda of countless innovation meetings at the world’s central banks.
The International Credit Insurance & Surety Association (ICISA) has released its Standard Annual Report, which showcases robust business growth among its members throughout 2022. However, the report also highlights a… read more →
Trade Finance Global (TFG) is proud to reaffirm its partnership with Trade4MSMEs in light of the forthcoming World Trade Organization (WTO) MSME Day on 27 June 2023.
UK Export Finance (UKEF) announced that they will provide £5 million in support for a Wirral-based specialist manufacturer of boats serving search and rescue, defence, and security sectors. Marine Specialised… read more →
When the topic is fraud and financial crime, trade finance companies are certainly on high alert. Every transaction made in this multi-trillion-dollar ecosystem must be checked for sanction lists for countries as well as corporations.
Trade Finance Global (TFG) is thrilled to launch its latest addition to the platform—a dedicated Correspondent Banking hub, in collaboration with BAFT and EBRD. This innovative hub aims to provide… read more →