The airline industry is characterized by a high level of competition due to low-entry barriers and liberalisation of markets as a result of globalization. This article looks at what causes… read more →
Metals are some of the most widely used materials on this planet, in addition to being some of the most extracted. South Africa is the world’s leader in mining. The… read more →
According to the FAO’s (Food and Agriculture of the United Nations) latest available data, in coffee was in the top 20 export value commodities in the world in 2016. However,… read more →
The shipping industry is quite unique in the way it interacts with the global economy. On the one hand, shipping technologies have greatly influenced the way the world has developed… read more →
Pliny the Elder (23CE – 79CE), a Roman author, naturalist as well as a commander in the Roman army, wrote a book, NaturalisHistoria. The book says that Roman senators complained… read more →
The Republic of South Africa is considering strict restrictions on the transport of raw materials in order to boost domestic value-adding operations. The Republic of South Africa, ranked 61 by… read more →
Whether you are an owner of a large factory, an eBay or ecommerce seller or a farmer, logistics will be the backbone of your business. It doesn’t matter how good… read more →
Shona is the CEO and Founder of Halotrade, a blockchain-enabled fintech start up focussed on the delivery of sustainable supply chain financing. Formerly Head of Innovation for Trade & Working… read more →
DAP (Delivered at Place) is one of the most popular Incoterms used in Europe, it is also one of the most popular used for e-commerce. Learn how to use it… read more →
The Bank Payment Obligation (BPO) is often heralded as a predecessor to many common trade finance instruments, but is there still a chance to resurrect in by way of facilitating… read more →