To learn more about the factoring market, including important growth regions, and Islamic finance, Trade Finance Global (TFG) spoke with Federico Avellán Borgmeyer, Chief Partner Officer at efcom, Abdelrahman Elbeltagy, Islamic Factoring specialist at efcom, and Vikram Nair, CEO of Xilligence
On June 5, 2024, the French National Assembly adopted the uniform law initiative, the Model Law on Electronic Transferable Records (MLETR).
Learn about ITFA’s Fraud Working Group and their efforts to combat cross-border fraud in trade finance.
Though Taiwan has a relatively small population of 23.3 million people, it’s a thriving trading country and an important trading partner for many countries around the world, including the US, UK, EU, and China.
International trade can be intimidating for many companies trying to break into the industry. With extensive regulation and documentary processes, it can seem overwhelming, especially when operating in unfamiliar regions.
At the recent EBRD annual meeting in Yerevan, Armenia, Trade Finance Global’s Editor, Deepesh Patel, sat down with Beata Javorcik, Chief Economist at EBRD, to discuss the economic outlook for the regions under EBRD’s scope. Despite various external pressures, the EBRD’s Regional Economic Prospects Report predicts a 3% growth for these economies in 2024.
Let’s investigate these questions to uncover the intricate relationship between a strong reputation and the financial industry.
Credit insurance can help bridge this gap by improving access to trade finance and facilitating better financing terms for women-led firms.
The European Banking Authority (EBA) recently issued a consultation paper proposing pivotal changes in the classification of guarantees under banking regulations.
At the International Finance Corporation’s (IFC) Global Trade Partners Meeting, this room full of female international trade experts discussed the challenges that women entrepreneurs face in the global trade market and strategies for changing the status quo.