TFG heard from EXX Africa’s Keri Leicher, on the economic, political and health crisis in Africa caused by Covid-19 pandemic. Keri spoke of Africa’s high level of debt and silent attacks affecting the continent’s security.
TFG’s Deepesh Patel spoke to Matthew Beckett, Director of Insurance Placement at SMBC at Excred London. As trade risks and uncertainty abounds, we asked SMBC about how appetite has changed in 2019, and whether additional liquidity has impacted the distribution and origination business.
TFG spoke to Stephen Renna, Chief Banking Officer at US Exim Bank at TXF CPRI in London, about the core priorities and focus for the bank in order to facilitate US exports, now that is has a wider remit to promote US SMEs.
TFG heard from Accenture’s Cecile Andre Leruste, on the major digitisation initiatives within the commodiy finance space. Commodity finance is in a phase of major transition, driven by multiple megatrends
TFG heard from Eng. Hani Salem Sonbol, CEO, International Islamic Trade Finance Corporation
TFG exclusive podcast with komgo, we heard from CEO Souleïma Baddi talking about bringing blockchain and distributed ledger technology to commodity finance.
TFG took a deep dive into the world of commodity markets and oil prices in 2019. What’s been driving prices, and what is the impact of geopolitics on major commodity markets? TFG’s Ross McKenzie investigates.
In preparation for TFG attending IFN Asia next week in Kuala Lumpur, we put together a brief overview of shariah law and shariah finance, outlining the key differences between riba, gharar, musharakah and sukuk.
komgo was established in late 2018 with the purpose of automating global commodity trades. But what is komgo?
Loans are provided to wholesalers and manufacturers for export companies for them to repay later on. These export trade corporations usually focus on mining, energy and soft products like agriculture,… read more →