The shift to a more digital form of globalisation changes who is participating, how business is done across borders, and where the economic benefits are flowing. This creates a new paradigm where not only large corporates, but also retailers, SMEs, and individuals can use international payments, integrated commerce, or trade interfaces regularly.
Allianz Trade, a trade credit insurance company, Two, a business-to-business (B2B) e-commerce payments platform, and Santander Corporate & Investment Banking (CIB), a trade finance bank, have partnered to provide the… read more →
Iain MacLennan, VP of product management and trade at Finastra, and Patrik Zekkar, CEO of Enigio, Patrick DeVilbiss, head of product at CGI and Alisa DiCaprio, chief economist at R3, provided us with their predictions for the trade technology landscape in 2023.
In TFG’s conversations with industry experts, we have learned quite a lot about trade volumes and commodities, trade technology, and trade credit insurance. While there is plenty of uncertainty regarding the global outlook in 2023, it is clear that there are many areas of optimism for international trade.
What a year it has been for Trade Finance Global. We took the time to review over 500 pieces of content to bring you the most popular themes, articles, podcasts, and videos.
There is little doubt that 2022 has been an unprecedented year and for better or for worse, there has been a lot that has happened in the trade, treasury, payments and supply chain spaces.
NetGuardians, a Swiss enterprise risk platform, specialising in combating financial fraud, has announced that Bank of Africa will use NetGuardians’ fraud prevention software to further safeguard its assets and branches… read more →
Alex Gray, head of trade finance at The London Institute of Banking & Finance, explains why the staff at trade banks will have an important role to play in gathering and utilising ESG data from supply chains
UK Export Finance (UKEF) has provided £900,000 of support to Atlancis, a Kenyan cloud services company, enabling it to forge a new relationship with UK exporter Vespertec to unlock growth… read more →
ITFA has announced the release of Uniform Rules for Transferable Electronic Payment Obligations (URTEPO), a unique set of rules that cover electronic payment obligations. Digitalisation and accompanying changes in the… read more →