Payables finance is changing, often driven by the demands of corporates, looking for inclusive and sustainable programmes when considering who to select for supply chain financing (SCF) programmes.
The two-day BCR Publishing Supply Chain Finance Summit got underway this morning, boasting important names from the supply chain finance sector and banks including HSBC, Lloyds and ABN AMRO. What… read more →
TFG’s Mark Abrams spoke to IFC’s Qamar Saleem, about the role of DFIs in assisting MSMEs in the short and medium term COVID-19 recovery.
Covid-19 lockdowns have disrupted global supply chains across the board and placed the concepts of reshoring and resilience on every policymaker’s lips. A new report from Euler Hermes examines how the pandemic could push manufacturers to rethink their supply chain strategies.
Islamic Development Bank and International Islamic Trade Finance Corporation Discuss Agritech Digital Solutions in 2nd Agritech Webinar
In partnership with Reuters Events, TFG hears from Simon Collins, TradeCloud and Movsum Muslumzada, SOCAR Trading about the digitization of commodity trading
TFG is proud to be partnering with TXF for their latest event: TXF Global Trade Virtual 2020, which will be held on the 8-10th December 2020
In partnership with BAFT, TFG hears from Jean-François Denis, Global Head, Trade Solutions, BNP Paribas, about how the bank has changed since the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic.
We take a look at the role of multilaterals and public-private partnerships can help the trade finance community achieve sustainability objectives.
Global Supply Chain Finance Forum issues payables finance guidance to drive further clarity on terms and techniques