TFG’s Annie Kovacevic sat down with World of Open Account (WOA) cofounders John Brehcist and Erik Timmermans.
The financial belt is tightening around China’s Belt and Road Initiative (BRI).
Many headlines in recent weeks highlight the mounting debt and declining activity that the “project of the century” is now facing.
China’s trade surplus rose to a record high of $101.26 billion in July, the first time in history that the indicator has risen above the $100 billion mark. A trade… read more →
The financial belt is tightening around China’s Belt and Road Initiative (BRI). Many headlines in recent weeks highlight the mounting debt and declining activity that the “project of the century”… read more →
TFG has partnered with Trade4MSMEs in a bid to provide micro-, small-, and medium-sized enterprises (MSMEs) with relevant resources to aid in the growth of their businesses.
Structured trade finance is a type of debt finance that structures trade finance products from across the supply chain together. Learn everything you need to know about structured trade finance here.
Artificial intelligence. The metaverse. What do these tools have in common for supply chains? These are the technological building blocks for the future of the global supply chain – a fully digitised, connected, self-orchestrated ecosystem where even consumers hold decision-making power.
What is the difference between a red clause letter of credit and a green clause letter of credit? Read TFG’s 2022 letter of credit guide now!
After reaching 10-year highs in 2020, the working capital of the S&P 1500 companies returned to pre-COVID-19 levels in 2021. Today, J.P Morgan’s 2022 edition of the Working Capital Index… read more →
TFG spoke to one of the world’s largest factoring associations to find out how trade receivables can help solve the liquidity crunch caused by supply chain disruption.