Euler Hermes, the world’s leading trade credit insurer, states the UK is set for a significant rise in business failures as companies readjust to the removal of government COVID-19 pandemic support measures.
World trade is central to economic growth and as we emerge from the pandemic, trade is paramount in enabling the global economy to recover. Is the time really now, for digitising trade, and how can advance the dialogue to reduce friction, costs and risk?
Global growth looks set to rebound sharply following the record contractions in the second quarter of 2020, said S&P Global Ratings.
Banks and government bodies rally together to mitigate trade finance fraud with Trade Finance Registry
Standard Chartered sees co-creation and innovation as a crucial aspect and is committed to continue this momentum of ‘more action, less talk’ by bringing the industry together
SWIFT and Singapore’s Infocomm Media Development Authority (IMDA) today signed a Memorandum of Intent (MOI) to accelerate trade digitalisation globally.
The Covid-19 pandemic is accelerating trends and technologies that came online before January 2020 and were just getting traction.
With electronic document rules in place, it is now the role of key players and regulators to go ahead and enable trade finance to take advantage of digital innovation.
TFG are delighted to be Media Partners of the TXF Political Risk & Insurance conference in London on the 4th December, and to ensure you’re up to speed with this ever-changing environment, we caught up with leading experts in CPRI ahead of the conference.
TFG heard from the inspirational CEO of CBI, Liliana Fratini Passi. CBI is an innovation society leading the way for PSPs and the transaction banking industry in Italy. Liliana spoke to TFG about the latest changes, and what this means for bank, in terms of ISO 20022, UN/CEFACT and PSD2.