Flexport’s unique visibility into client shipments down to the SKU level through its digital platform provides them with a unique perspective on risk relative to banks offering financing. This insight… read more →
History’s most ambitious and extensive infrastructure project is currently underway. If successful, China will become the world’s undisputed Centrepoint of trade. However, such a triumph will not come easily.
Inspection and stock management are critical components of overseas trade and the import / export of goods. TFG spoke to Valeriya Ovdienko, Project Manager at DRUM Risk Limited about the physical and transactional risks in the commodity supply chain.
Certificates of Origin, alongside with the ICC Incoterms® rules, are some of the most crucial trade documents which authenticate the origin of any goods which are exported. Trade Finance Global spoke to CO experts, traders, shippers and producers, compiling a list of the most common mistakes when preparing Certificates of Origin, and how to avoid them.
As part of the Incoterms 2020 Media Alliance with the ICC UK, Trade Finance Global reports important information on the rules that are changing for Incoterms at the end of the year. Using the wrong ICC Incoterm when trading goods worldwide exposes companies to greater risk and cost in the form of lost goods or unnecessary disputes
PARIS, 12th June. Today marks the release of the ICC Banking Commission’s 2018 Trade Register Report – again highlighting the low-risk nature of trade finance in comparison to other asset classes.
The ecosystem of cross border trade can be a complex one, and a level of assurance is needed to ensure proper levels of trade can be reached as efficiently as possible. A Bill of Lading, sometimes shortened to B/L acts as such assurance, as when issued by a carrier of goods it presents acknowledgement of the receipt of the cargo for shipment.
The Gartner hype cycle serves as a tool to help decision makers and investors gauge the actual current state of a technology in a given domain, separating its real-world utility from its surrounding hype and disillusionment. The cycle was first introduced in 1995 and has since served as an accurate representation of the typical progression of an emerging technology.
With numerous bodies and organisations speculating, pre-selling courses and providing information on fake incoterms, TFG gets behind incoterms 2020, why there are rumours, what’s fake, and what’s true.
A Bill of Lading (abbreviated to B/L) is one of the most important documents in the global trade transactions. A B/L has 3 basic purposes or roles: Evidence of Contract of Carriage… read more →