What is happening in the world economy and what is the latest on Greece? We have seen market volatility from China in recent weeks, starting with a large sell off… read more →
Chancellor George Osborne delivered his seventh budget earlier today. He offered Britain a ‘new contract’ – but what does this mean for businesses? The economy grew by 3% in 2014… read more →
Securing finance to purchase goods: There are many routes for SMEs Equity or angel investment is great for kickstarting the growth of an awesome startup, but sometimes, it’s not appropriate.… read more →
Bradford has the highest percentage of SMEs which are selling products or services overseas, according to a recent FedEx Exporter survey. Beating the usual suspects, (London, Leeds, Manchester and Southampton,)… read more →
By 2016, over half of the UK’s SMEs expect to be exporting their goods and services around the world; that’s an increase of one fifth over the next year. This… read more →
The Budget 2015: Some of the things that were announced We wanted to highlight a few of the main points of interest for us here. However, we can’t say we… read more →
Structured Trade Finance Lending institutions and banking corporations provide a variety of services to exporters, importers and trading corporations for carrying out trade efficiently and these services are collectively referred… read more →
Letters of Credit (LCs) are instruments which guarantee sellers payment if certain terms and conditions are met. They are frequently used in international transactions and have many different types. We… read more →
Trade Finance is usually used in international commerce in order to pay trading partner when doing overseas business. It is usually used on its own or coupled with invoice finance… read more →
Cash flow is crucial in any business. No matter what your turnover or net profits are, if you don’t have enough cash to pay your employees at the end of… read more →