We heard from Andrés Abumohor, the Co-Founder and COO of OmniBnk, a neobank that provides financial services to SMEs in Latin America. Small and medium enterprises (SMEs) create close to… read more →
We had the pleasure of speaking to Mr R. Yüce Uyanik, a member of the FCI Legal Committee, on international factoring as a solution for the economic crisis on SMEs.… read more →
Following the FCI’s recent appointment of Mr Lin Hui, Chapter Director of NE Asia, we asked him about some of the top trends in China and beyond, the impact of… read more →
Following the FCI’s recent appointment of Ms. Betül Kurtulus, Chapter Director of Central & Eastern Europe, South East Europe (Balkans), and the Middle East, we asked her about some of… read more →
The global economy has always undergone changes. From the agrarian-based economy in the 18th century to the advent of the Industrial Revolution, from sailboats to steamships, there has always been… read more →
HM Revenue & Customs has just published an updated version of the Partnership Pack on GOV.UK to help businesses plan for the possibility of a ‘no deal’ EU Exit. Businesses… read more →
In light of the recent news on postponing a Commons vote on the deal, this content could assist your business with decision making. We’ve now released the highlights videos and… read more →
Cash is king, particularly for small businesses. However, maintaining a healthy cashflow is often tricky, and complications around late payments, irregular orders and unplanned costs to the businesses can often… read more →
CryptoOracle Co-Founder claims “decentralisation is a better way forward than the current state of market concentration.” Lou Kerner on Israel’s blockchain scene, invoice financing and decentralisation CryptoOracle’s co-founder, Lou Kerner,… read more →
Asset protection planning and asset protection vehicles are one of the ways business owners prevent some of the pitfalls and risks of owning assets. Profit and revenues alone are not… read more →