One year after our last conversation at Sibos 2022 in Amsterdam, Trade Finance Global spoke with Ben Ellis, SVP and Global Head of Visa B2B Connect, in Toronto to get answers to these questions on cross-border payments.
In this episode of Trade Finance Talks, TFG’s Deepesh Patel was joined by Shirish Wadivkar, Global Head – Wholesale Payments & Trade Strategy at Swift, to uncover the conference’s core themes, the latest Swift initiatives, and strategies to prepare for Sibos 2023.
In this episode of Trade Finance Talks, TFG’s Deepesh Patel was joined by Francesca Beomonte, Head of Structured Trade & Export Finance at UniCredit, to learn more about the role of ECAs in international trade.
The trade finance industry has long strived for inclusivity. It recognises the importance of embracing an overarching vision that fundamentally reimagines its practices. To fully realise this vision, it is imperative to actively engage African voices in trade finance discussions.
In this episode of Trade Finance Talks, Brian Canup, assistant editor at TFG, was joined by Channing Mavrellis, director of the Illicit Trade Program at Global Financial Integrity, to delve into the world of TBML. Together, they explored the latest developments and insights surrounding trade-based money laundering (TBML) practices.
During the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development’s (EBRD) 32nd Annual Meeting and Business Forum in Samarkand, Uzbekistan, TFG spoke with several industry leaders to learn more about the particulars of a first-of-its-kind transaction.
To break down the intricacies of factoring and to provide an overview of the UAE law, Trade Finance Global (TFG) spoke to Marek Dubovec, director at the International Law Institute and professor at the University of Arizona.
In this episode of Trade Finance Talks, Deepesh Patel, editor at TFG was joined by Chris Southworth, co-chair of Legal Reform Advisory Board at ICC Digital Standards Initiative, and Nick Davies, director of the Centre for Digital Trade and Innovation.
Saying the world’s oceans are vast is an understatement. If one were to sail from Cape Town to Tristan da Cunha, the world’s most remote inhabited island, located over 2,000 kilometres to the nearest land, the voyage would take longer than it took Apollo 11 to reach the moon.
TFG spoke to the Honourable Mary Ng, Minister of International Trade Export Promotion, Small Business and Economic Development to discuss the Canadian government’s role in international trade and supporting women in the workplace.