With the Covid-19 pandemic, our paper-based trade finance settlement system suddenly stopped working. It is about time businesses adopt paperless and digital workflow to safeguard trade finance operations.
International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) estimates a possible US$ 5 trillion of trade credit will be needed to enable a rapid recovery from the COVID-19 crisis Business body warns that… read more →
ICC Banking Commission has released its 2019 Trade Register Report, revealing COVID-19’s potential to disrupt global trade.
More than ever, now is the time for the G20 to work together, be aligned and coordinated in addressing urgent relief measures to contain the spread of the pandemic and… read more →
As the most authoritative voice in the trade finance industry, ICC Banking Commission, maintains a permanent dialogue with regulators and supervising bodies, helping to develop regulations affecting the industry.
2019 has been a fairly promising year of growth for some emerging and developing markets, but with continued regulatory scrutiny, correspondent banking relationships continuing to be a cut, and a sluggish growth forecast for 2020, what does this mean for trade in EDE’s?
Today we’re delighted to be joined by Simon Ring at Pole Star and Nick Barnes at TradeIX and the Marco Polo Network. This podcast is really about the intersection between freight forwarding, trade and regulatory technology.
Shop Talk: TFG sat down with Peter Mulroy, Secretary General of FCI, to discuss his views, from an FCI perspective on the factoring and SCF industry in 2019, as well as his thoughts for what could be in stock for 2020. Hold on tight!
TFG are delighted to be Media Partners of the TXF Political Risk & Insurance conference in London on the 4th December, and to ensure you’re up to speed with this ever-changing environment, we caught up with leading experts in CPRI ahead of the conference.
Looking at the bigger picture of international trade flows and supply chains is crucial when looking at helping businesses access finance. We heard from Tony Brown at the Annual WOA Convention, discussing the world of open account pre- invoice, including purchase orders, transportation, distribution and pre-shipment finance.