TFG heard from WOA’s founder, Erik Timmermans, on the latest in receivables and open account trade in 2020, the impact of the COVID pandemic on the RF community, and what we could expect for the remainder of the year.
EIPP in combination with blockchain can help banks avoid duplicate Invoice Financing and perform dedupe effectively.
The Local Currency System – SML – resurfaces as an alternative to recover trade flows not only in the Mercosur but also in other regions of the world which can implement it.
WOA took the initiative to survey members, partners and industry leaders in June 2020 about how the virus has affected performance of factoring and commercial finance firms globally.
SMEs need to re-think their innovation strategy including digitalisation as the pandemic has accelerated the shift to digital technology in trade.
The FCI Annual Review is a globally recognised publication in the world of Factoring and Receivables Finance.
Considering the stakes involved in managing the AML/KYC compliances are high, banks/ FI should carefully assess the options available with them and look holistically to mitigate the risk.
SMEs need to explore innovative financing options like trade credit insurance as they plan and prepare for the “new normal”.
The utopia of a truly paperless trade finance industry will eventually happen, however one simple question remains: when?
Documentary credit may be one of the most convenient payment method available to buyers and sellers, but one should know its limitation to avoid issues and penalties.