The ongoing Russia-Ukraine conflict has created ripples throughout many channels of the trade finance industry, not least the agricultural sector. In response, China has turned toward Brazil in a bid… read more →
The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) is supporting Croatia’s transition to renewable energy by helping finance the construction of two new wind farms. The bank is extending a… read more →
Recent times have seen a steep incline in raw materials prices and delivery volumes. Against this background, the Oryx Stainless Group is increasing its financial flexibility with a syndicated credit… read more →
Long known for being oil-producing economies, many Gulf states have been switching over to renewables in a bid to remain competitive and meet emissions targets, despite the current commodities boom. … read more →
Your Monday morning coffee briefing from TFG: China hits record trade surplus in July
Standard Chartered and ADM announced the launch of the bank’s first green trade export letter of credit (LC) programme in Singapore, London, and New York. Issued under the “Sustainable Goods”… read more →
New research from Allianz Trade shows that reducing non-tariff barriers to trade could lower inflation by 4.5 percentage points (pp) in the EU and by 2pp in the US. Nearly… read more →
China’s trade surplus rose to a record high of $101.26 billion in July, the first time in history that the indicator has risen above the $100 billion mark. A trade… read more →
The financial belt is tightening around China’s Belt and Road Initiative (BRI). Many headlines in recent weeks highlight the mounting debt and declining activity that the “project of the century”… read more →
Your Monday coffee briefing from TFG: China ramps up trade restrictions against Taiwan