The use of private credit in trade finance is also growing in popularity, particularly as traditional banks face increasing regulatory constraints, such as those introduced by Basel IV. Institutional investors,… read more →
The two institutions have been working together since 2013 when they signed a $75 million risk participation agreement that was extended to reach almost $400 million in total in the… read more →
The updated Principles for Sustainable Trade offer more actionable guidance for assessing the sustainability of trade transactions. They have been designed to be sector-agnostic, allowing banks and corporates alike to… read more →
The initiative focuses on digitalising bills of exchange for working capital solutions. J.P. Morgan and Enigio are collaborating to modernise traditional trade finance processes supported by recent legal reforms, such… read more →
According to exit polls, 31% of Americans cited ‘the economy’ as their biggest concern when voting – the second highest factor after 34% responding ‘state of democracy’. Trump’s popularity must,… read more →
In December 1773, a ship carrying chests of tea from England was about to dock in the Boston Harbour when it was boarded by over a hundred American Colonists protesting… read more →
The annual Trade Register from the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) in collaboration with Boston Consulting Group (BCG) and Global Credit Data (GCD) has been released, analysing the landscape for… read more →
The announcement came during a roundtable discussion at the World Bank Group (WBG) and International Monetary Fund (IMF) annual meetings on 25 October in Washington DC. The initiative brings together… read more →
The facility will be used to extend credit to businesses across African markets, with a particular focus on small- and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) involved in regional and international trade, according… read more →
Bills of exchange (BoEs) have remained paper-based for some time. This new solution offers a comprehensive end-to-end digital platform as a replacement. Flows will take place within Citi’s proprietary receivables… read more →