Today, Trade Finance Global were at the ITFA 46th Annual International Trade and Forfaiting Conference, held in Budapest, observing the ITFA Young Trade Financier of the Year Award.
Deutsche Bank has released a comprehensive new publication, “Payables finance: A guide to working capital optimisation, 2nd edition”, revising and updating the original paper released almost two years ago at the beginning of 2018. The paper continues the ongoing work of defining and codifying the payables finance industry as it evolves, shifting priorities and practices in the process.
Change is not just coming; change is here today, now. The impact of using electronic trade documents instead of hard copies of bills of lading, invoices, packing lists, and certificates to settle trade transactions via the Internet will be as profound to global trade finance as the containerization of cargo was to logistics.
It’s TFG’s first ever Podcast Takeover, and we welcomed Michael Bickers, Editorial Director of BCR Publishing, who Trade Finance Global have partnered with for the BCR Supply Chain Finance Summit APAC on the 15th and 16th of October in Singapore.
In this interview series, we heard from two invoice discounting experts and learned more about the confidentiality features of this product and the fundamental differences to invoice factoring.TFG’s Persiana Ignatova spoke to Jeff Longhurst and Steve Box, who are members of World of Open Account (WOA).
In this interview series, we heard from two Factoring experts and learned more about the use of this genius concept. TFG’s Persiana Ignatova spoke to Thorsten Klindworth and Peter Brinsley, who are members of World of Open Account (WOA).
In this interview series, we heard from 3 FinTech experts and assessed the real, viable applications of these technologies within international trade and open account.
Reports find that there are extensive ties between british billionaire Sanjeev Gupta’s acquired bank, Wyelands and his family’s wider business empire, the GFG Alliance. This strong link is raising questions over how the bank is appropriating savers’ deposits.
London, 16th July 2019. TFG announces strategic partnership with WOA. TFG’s Deepesh Patel appointed as Advisor to support World of Open Account (WOA) in the development of new ideas, activities and the online community for the promotion of open account trade & receivables finance.
The most recent version of the EU Federation (EUF’s) Industry Standard Whitepaper has been recently updated and published with the finalised market data for 2018