International tax competition (ITC) stems from governments encouraging inflows and discouraging outflows of capital within their country, typically through corporation tax rate (CTR) reductions to increase the attractiveness of foreign… read more →
Bihar has won the Krishi Karman Award several times for its agricultural performance. Last year, the president of India mentioned that Bihar can potentially initiate the country’s next green revolution.… read more →
Due to China’s weakening economy, relative Yuan overvaluation, strength of the American Dollar, and trade-war with the USA, the Yuan is likely to depreciate against the Greenback in the near-to-medium… read more →
Pliny the Elder (23CE – 79CE), a Roman author, naturalist as well as a commander in the Roman army, wrote a book, NaturalisHistoria. The book says that Roman senators complained… read more →
Shona is the CEO and Founder of Halotrade, a blockchain-enabled fintech start up focussed on the delivery of sustainable supply chain financing. Formerly Head of Innovation for Trade & Working… read more →
DAP (Delivered at Place) is one of the most popular Incoterms used in Europe, it is also one of the most popular used for e-commerce. Learn how to use it… read more →
Trade Finance is evolving. But one fundamental evolution is not so much in the technology but in the emergence of new players in the Trade Finance space. We spoke to… read more →
P2P lending is a way to source alternative finance and complex funding types for businesses seeking to raise finance. P2P lending started in the UK in 2005 with consumers borrowing… read more →
Agriculture is going through a huge change, the AgTech revolution. Whether it’s increasing productivity and yield, looking into GMOs, or using satellite imagery, there are so many ways that technology… read more →
Kazakhstan are the world leading exporters of flour and wheat, producing some 19mn tonnes per year, and top 10 grain exporters. The yield of wheat is high per hectare, and… read more →