Pliny the Elder (23CE – 79CE), a Roman author, naturalist as well as a commander in the Roman army, wrote a book, NaturalisHistoria. The book says that Roman senators complained… read more →
The risks of a full-on trade war between the US and EU are increasing. Since the international system of trade finance is shaped by new challenges and opportunities, global supply… read more →
The Republic of South Africa is considering strict restrictions on the transport of raw materials in order to boost domestic value-adding operations. The Republic of South Africa, ranked 61 by… read more →
Shipping has been an important activity throughout history, particularly when prosperity depended primarily on international and interregional trade. In fact, transportation has been called one of the four cornerstones of… read more →
DAP (Delivered at Place) is one of the most popular Incoterms used in Europe, it is also one of the most popular used for e-commerce. Learn how to use it… read more →
Factoring – All you need to know An image of an Economic tablet from Susa Nearly one thousand years after the fall of the Roman Empire this early concept… read more →
Supply chain is at the core of any international business, and managing this with a close eye is important for any treasury manager, FD or MD. Companies which have their… read more →
Rapeseed is the 3rd most produced oilseed complex in the world after palm and soybean. It’s an important production – 75mn tonnes of rapeseed are produced each year. But what’s… read more →
Kazakhstan are the world leading exporters of flour and wheat, producing some 19mn tonnes per year, and top 10 grain exporters. The yield of wheat is high per hectare, and… read more →
China is focussed on the supply side structural reform and coordinated the efforts in stabilising growth. It’s important to remember though, that as well as being known for being the… read more →