If your work involves international trade transactions, you will find that one of the most common and useful SWIFT Codes that you will encounter is SWIFT code MT 754.
French international bank BNP Paribas has executed a green repurchase agreement (repo) transaction with state-owned utility company Électricité de France (EDF). The two companies have worked jointly to structure and… read more →
The UK and ten major trading partners have agreed to end export credit support for unabated coal-fired power plants
British tea and coffee supplier Union Papertech has secured government support for its latest expansion into the production of environmentally-friendly tea bags. The Manchester-based firm has signed a deal with… read more →
A new ICC report, released yesterday, estimates that if G7 countries can deliver on legal reform, standardisation, and adoption of digital records, then trade between them could rise by about 43% above its 2019 value by 2026.
A comprehensive trade agreement with New Zealand will cut red tape for businesses, end tariffs on UK exports and create new opportunities for tech and services companies, while making it easier… read more →
By working together and tackling these challenges head-on, we can reduce our emissions and work towards our net zero goal by 2050.
With COP26 just around the corner, Export Credit Agencies, ECAs, are mandated to support government efforts in their fight against climate change.
Contour, the digital trade finance network, announces partnership with the Shenzhen FinTech Institute, a subsidiary of The People’s Bank of China (PBOC).
After three years of effort and numerous negotiations with insurers, banks, law firms, and brokage firms, ITFA has released a Basel III policy form that elevates policy wordings and enhances… read more →