By integrating the DLPC structure into trace:original documents, the benefits of a payment undertaking supported by BAFT’s best practices can be enjoyed while avoiding the potential drawbacks of a closed consortium.
Trade Finance Global and the International Trade & Forfaiting Association (ITFA) will shortly be hosting a live Tradecast on LinkedIn, YouTube and via webinar (tradecast).
In the last 25 years, trade and its financing have increasingly come to rely on the internet and new tools such as connectors, digital payments, and cybersecurity.
Singapore has become the first country to ratify the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP), with plans to implement the accord on the 1st January 2022.
After Covid-19 crippled global commerce, the World Trade Organization said March 31 that it expected the planet’s merchandise trade to increase 8% in 2021 after contracting 5.3% in 2020.
Banks can play a frontline role in closing the sustainable trade finance gap and supporting a green recovery post-COVID-19 by embedding ESG checks, fostering collaboration and inclusion, and mainstreaming digital solutions.
Factoring, as an important method to extend credit, is a type of financial transaction where the creditor assigns its receivables to an assignee at a discount. In recent years, there has been a large growth of factoring transactions around the world.
The pandemic has undoubtedly had countless negative implications for the global community. However, amidst all the turmoil there have been some silver linings.
MSMEs around the globe struggle to obtain financing. Why do these MSME financing constraints exist and is a digital future providing new hope for all those firms that are struggling to stay afloat?
WTO, TFG and ICC have today launched their latest publication ‘Accelerating trade digitalization to support MSME financing’