The very public implosion of a high-flying boutique finance firm has left ripples in the Supply Chain Finance industry. Should we reverse this outcome?
Plain sailing ahead for UK freeports? Probably not. TFG’s McKenzie summarises the key points from the UK budget and what it means for trade.
#ChooseToChallenge. A catchy tagline, but what does it actually mean? TFG heard from AIG’s Marilyn Blattner-Hoyle on International Women’s Day
There is a strong economic and business case to be made for initiatives to promote greater inclusion in trade.
Organisations today find themselves increasingly focused on the issue of sustainability and for good reason.
Initially, the pandemic led to a sudden, sharp shock which caused a multitude of challenges to business continuity. What’s in stock for 2021?
2020 was a terrible year for Asia but for some less than for others. Alicia Herrero Garcia outlines what’s in stock for markets in Asia in 2021
The UK has signed a £1.2bn trade partnership agreement with Ghana promising tariff-free trade. The terms of the economic partnership agreement reinstate the two sides when the UK was part of the EU.
Philip Bowkley, co-chair of BAFT’s Global Payments Industry Council talks to TFG about the future of global payments, cash and liquidity
Results from the Berne Union Business Confidence Survey for the first quarter of 2021 indicate that demand for export credit insurance continues to increase.