Read the monthly TFG and ICC DSI column! Hear from leading experts in trade digitalisation and keep up with all the breaking trends.
Listen to this podcast on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, Podbean, Podtail, ListenNotes, TuneIn At the 2024 Trade Finance Investor Day (TFDI) conference in London, TFG’s editor Deepesh Patel spoke with Nick Stainthorpe, Partner at Reed Smith, on… read more →
At the EBRD’s Conference on the Digitalisation of International Trade in Morocco 2024, Othmane Saadani, Lawyer and Partner at Saadani & Associates, presented the legal framework for digitalisation of trade in Morocco.
To learn more about efforts to improve operational efficiency and sustainability in the shipping space through technological advancements, Trade Finance Global’s Brian Canup spoke with Chris Sunderman, Program Lead for Banks at the Digital Container Shipping Association (DCSA).
At the 56th Annual FCI Meeting in Seoul, Deepesh Patel, Editorial Director at Trade Finance Global, was joined on Trade Finance Talks by Steven Beck, Head of Trade and Supply Chain Finance, Asian Development Bank to discuss the role of MDBs in the facilitation of trade and supply chain finance.
It takes a collaborative effort to educate the industry about Islamic factoring and financing before further growth can occur.
To discuss the growing prominence of CPRI, Harry McIndoe and Sean Austin, Directors at BPL, joined Brian Canup in Trade Finance Talks to break down the market and discuss its utilisation by development finance institutions (DFIs) and multilateral development banks (MDBs).
To learn more about risks and risk management, Trade Finance Global (TFG) spoke with Peter Milne and Alex Gray, Director of Trade and Transaction Banking at the London Institute of Banking and Finance (LIBF).
Understanding the impact of Basel III on banks: learn about the global regulatory shift and increased capital requirements.
Saying the world’s oceans are vast is an understatement. If one were to sail from Cape Town to Tristan da Cunha, the world’s most remote inhabited island, located over 2,000 kilometres to the nearest land, the voyage would take longer than it took Apollo 11 to reach the moon.