Your Monday morning coffee briefing from TFG: UK Freeports: catalysts for regional economic development and recovery
India and the United States have established a new working group to build sustainable supply chains and boost bilateral trade, the governments said in a joint statement on Thursday. The… read more →
Iain MacLennan, VP of product management and trade at Finastra, and Patrik Zekkar, CEO of Enigio, Patrick DeVilbiss, head of product at CGI and Alisa DiCaprio, chief economist at R3, provided us with their predictions for the trade technology landscape in 2023.
TFG asked Francoise Huang, senior economist for Asia Pacific and Trade at Allianz Trade, John Miller, chief economic analyst at Trade Data Monitor, and Richard Wulff, executive director at ICISA, to give their thoughts on the 2023 trade environment.
This article was originally published on December 19 2022 by Watson Farley & Williams LLP. TFG would like to thank Kimarie Cheang and Chengxi Tan for their contribution.
United States Trade Representative Katherine Tai has spoken of the significance of Africa’s integration into global supply chains after the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU). During the US-Africa… read more →
Alex Gray, head of trade finance at The London Institute of Banking & Finance, explains why the staff at trade banks will have an important role to play in gathering and utilising ESG data from supply chains
Your Monday morning coffee briefing from TFG, New Trade Finance Talks issue launched – Pay to play: overcoming challenges in the payments sector…..
The strength of the US currency has amplified already existing headwinds for the world economy. But while central banks have kept up the fight to protect their currencies from depreciation, a USD reversal is something only the Fed will be able to engineer.
With the trade ecosystem increasingly shifting towards technological advancements, and a market saturated with options in which to digitise trade processes, it can be difficult to cut through the noise.