GENEVA (10 November 2020) – Gunvor Group Ltd (“Gunvor” or the “Group”) has signed a USD 1.225 billion revolving credit facility (“RCF” or “Facility”) in favour of Gunvor International B.V.… read more →
TFG heard from the CFTC’s Heath P. Tarbert, on CFTC’s tremendous accomplishments in achieving integrity through sound derivatives regulation.
Enables financial institutions to provide fast and frictionless cross-borderpayments for small- and medium-sized businesses and consumers Over 20 financial institutions involved in its development Brussels 1 October 2020 – SWIFT… read more →
UK beef to be served on US plates for first time in over 20 years, with first exports commencing from a Northern Irish facility. The first shipments of UK beef… read more →
TFG heard from Elitsa Garnizova, Senior Project Manager and Researcher, London School of Economics on the current updates and what we can expect in this UK-EU-US economic relationship.
The Inter-American Development Bank (“IDB” or “IADB”), rated Aaa/AAA (Moody’s/S&P), priced last week a new CAD 500 million 7-year Global Sustainable Development Bond raising awareness for the United Nations’ Sustainable… read more →
There is immense synergy to be unlocked between SMEs and trade finance funds by working closely together and developing relationships that allow for a level of comfort on both sides of the coin to be developed over time.
SMEs need to explore innovative financing options like trade credit insurance as they plan and prepare for the “new normal”.
Singapore, June 2, 2020 – The COVID-19 pandemic has challenged food supply chains globally and especially in developing markets in Asia, the Middle East and Africa where lockdown measures have… read more →
With China receiving global backlash for alleged mishandling of Covid-19 crisis, resulting in businesses pulling out, can its neighboring counties with the latter’s emerging economies seize the opportunity, or is China irreplaceable?