Within the current macroeconomic and geopolitical climate, there
are significant opportunities to enhance Anglo-Chinese relations. Brexit and the China-US trade war have fundamentally changed the chessboard.
Trade Finance Global heard from Dr Rebecca Harding, CEO of Coriolis Technologies on a data focussed trade outlook between China and UK corridors, and why this partnership matters.
What does China’s continued growth and autocracy mean for Chinese businesses and financing the supply chain? TFG heard from Simon Kleine, Director at East & Partners Europe
How are working capital finance schemes and the availability of KYC and AML tools considered amongst UK and European corporates? TFG heard from Simon Kleine, Director at East & Partners Europe, on the key considerations amongst UK and European supply chains.
Trade Finance Global heard from Simon Kleine, Director at East & Partners Europe, on the State of the Global Supply Chain Market, focussing on UK – China trade corridors.compete successfully and win business based on their inherent strengths.
Trade Finance Global heard from Chris Southworth, Director General of the ICC United Kingdom on the State of the Global Supply Chain Market, focussing on UK – China trade corridors.
Mark Abrams, Head of Trade at Trade Finance Global has been selected amongst a new group, the Strategic Trade Advisory Group (STAG), for the UK Government.
As media partners of the ICC Banking Commission’s Annual Meeting in Beijing next week, Trade Finance Global took a deep dive into what can be expected at the meeting.
komgo was established in late 2018 with the purpose of automating global commodity trades. But what is komgo?
Technology is widely used to support the internal trade finance processes of African banks, DFIs and alternative lenders. The digital tools that they deploy range from Microsoft’s basic suite of programs to the more sophisticated systems such as Ecobank’s OMNI eFSC (Electronic Financial Supply Chain) software. However, these solutions exist in silos with disjointed usage and application.