The first estimates for the factoring industry worldwide in 2019 have been announced today by the FCI Secretary General at BCR’s 20th RFIX event
With Vision 2030, Saudi Arabia has embarked on the boldest model of economic and social reform anywhere in the world. TFG spoke to SABB about this transformation in raising the Kingdom’s non-oil trade from 16% to 50% of GDP.
Brexit will change the rules of trade for UK businesses trading into Europe, but it forms part of a much larger picture. Trade regulation around the world is constantly changing.… read more →
Michael Bickers, MD, BCR Publishing walked us through the trends in supply chain and receivables finance in 2019, arguably one of the most uncertain in the last decade. In an interview with TFG, Bickers gave his view on what’s in stock for SCF and receivables in the year ahead, commenting on APIs, blockchain and competitive growth in supply chain finance, in preparation for the BCR Supply Chain Finance Summit in Amsterdam this month.
Events such as Brexit, the US-China trade war, political unrest between China and Hong Kong dominated the headlines in 2019, have all had significant implications on global trade. However, it has not all been bad news – with increased levels of cooperation and technological innovation, the outlook for trade/finance moving into 2020 could be promising.
Trade Finance Global, in partnership with Finastra, sat down with 6 global experts in trade to get a low down of 2019, the key themes and trends, as well as what’s been at the front of mind for practitioners in trade, receivables and supply chain finance.
Trade Finance Global spoke to Wenhui LIANG at the WTO Global Trade and Blockchain Forum, on the nature of the current state of the global trading and blockchain adoption in global trading.
The macroeconomic indicators used to analyse China’s economy over the past few years include economic growth and trade, monetary and fiscal policy and inflation trends.
What is the impact of the new Basel IV regulation for banks and corporates? TFG heard from Swiss Re’s Global Head of Trade and Infrastructure Finance on the current state of Basel regulation as well as the latest updates following on from the latest EBA Consultation Paper. The interview was held at ExCred Commodities London.
With the development of more interconnected alternative finance options for businesses and the emergence of open banking in the marketplace, the option of Peer-to-Peer (P2P) lending is seeing a great increase in popularity over the years among its SME audience.