Under the Export Development Guarantee (EDG), UKEF can provide partial guarantees covering up to 80 per cent of the risk to lenders for a maximum repayment period of up to five years.
TFG heard from Arnaud Doly, CEO & Founder, Nabu, on how blockchain and AI can play a key role in helping reduce unmet demands in trade finance and completing the work that humans do to provide better trade finance services.
TFG heard from Andreas Tesch of Atradius on the status of credit insurance market in Asia and the key initiatives taken in response to Covid-19’s impact on Asian trade.
Nairobi, 14 July 2020 – The Eastern and Southern African Trade and Development Bank (TDB) has the pleasure to announce the signing of an inaugural USD 100 million loan programme with… read more →
In preparation for the launch of TFG’s latest issue of Trade Finance Talks, the team caught up with Berne Union’s Secretary General, Vinco David.
TFG heard from ICISA’s Secretary General, Robert Nijhout, on ICISA’s immediate calls to government to meet the demainds triggered by Covid19 pandemic.
Wirecard is suspected of misleading investors through aggressive accounting practices including inflating sales and revenue in order to appear to be performing better than it is actually doing.
Many new fintechs are fielding trade transaction cloud platforms that combine video technology with non-bank trade finance that is going to fill the vacuum created by the banking industry.
EIPP in combination with blockchain can help banks avoid duplicate Invoice Financing and perform dedupe effectively.
The Local Currency System – SML – resurfaces as an alternative to recover trade flows not only in the Mercosur but also in other regions of the world which can implement it.