The Universal Trade Network (UTN), a project initially aimed to allow for interoperability between many of the blockchain and non-blockchain consortia and networks has been renamed and adopted by the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC).
TFG spoke to Emmanuelle Ganne, Senior Analyst and Blockchain Lead at the World Trade Organization on the state of digitisation within trade and trade finance. With the rise of numerous DLT and non-DLT consortia, what role should multilateral bodies play, and how can we create paperless trade together? The interview was held at ExCred Commodities in London.
Daimler and Dürr execute a commercial trade transaction with LBBW via blockchain technology platform Corda. The international trade finance network Marco Polo has demonstrated its capability for practical use with… read more →
Innovative solution combats fraudulent transactions before money leaves the bank or corporate organization London, UK, September 23, 2019 – Today at Sibos 2019, Finastra has announced its partnership with Swiss Fintech, NetGuardians, which sees… read more →
New York – 19 September, 2019 – Bank of America announces that it is joining the Marco Polo Network, the largest and fastest growing trade finance networks leveraging Corda distributed ledger technology to provide transformative solutions to global trade participants.
LONDON, September 19, 2019. Trade Finance Global released its third issue of Trade Finance Talks entitled ‘Tradetech & Trade Wars’ – the Sibos edition.
To advance trade finance’s digital transformation, financial institutions and technology providers alike are ramping up efforts to cooperate through a number of consortiums. But, to ensure these various initiatives do not create a cluster of “digital islands”, a more joined-up approach is required.
Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) has been around for several years and has its roots in the world of cryptocurrencies, often referred to as Blockchain. Having brought some very interesting opportunities to the Banking market, attention was sparked in other industries such as Insurance, Healthcare, Shipping, Supply Chains, Manufacturing and Trade Finance.
Over the past 2-3 decades there have been many attempts to digitise parts of the trade and trade finance process, but it’s the complexity of trade that remains the challenge. Most successful attempts at digitisation have had to bite off a small piece of the problem and this has led to silos or what I call a ‘digital island’ phenomena.
This short note explores the potential second order effect of Blockchain and other new technologies on the Trade Finance ecosystem.