In recent years, de-risking has become a common practice among financial institutions worldwide. Some institutions take on the role of withdrawing funds, while others are left with limited leverage and resources to ensure the continuity of their client’s international operations.
Deepesh Patel, editor at Trade Finance Global, spoke to Enno-Burghard Weitzel, SVP Strategy, Digitization & Business Development at Surecomp, in a webinar entitled “Taking trade finance digital – buy vs build.”
While seemingly disparate, the realms of financial crime and cybersecurity are increasingly intertwined. As cybercrime proliferates both in the UK and internationally, companies capable of identifying their specific cyber threats… read more →
Lenders across the world are grappling with the trade finance asset class. In Singapore, a string of legal cases has left banks facing the prospect of staggering losses with the nature of the trade finance asset class, as secure and self-liquidating, facing an existential crisis.
Factoring is a relatively new product for the Georgian market, developing in 2007. The factoring market in Georgia began with the technical advisory support of European Bank for Reconstruction and Development’s (EBRD) Trade Facilitation Programme (TPF) to facilitate and pilot the implementation of factoring with a Georgian bank.
The resilience of Ukrainian businesses deserves special attention. Entrepreneurs have not only survived the beginning of the war, but continue to develop their businesses. According to a survey, as of March 2022, only 13% of enterprises were operating as they were prior to the war, 48% were operating at partial efficiency, and 35% suspended operations and were waiting for better times.
In 2023, environmental and climate issues will again be at the top of the policy agenda in the Middle East and North Africa. The upcoming COP28 climate conference in Dubai and the rapid growth in the renewables sector in Egypt and North Africa both point to the growing power of MENA states within global climate politics.
Quite often, trade does not happen directly between the producer of the raw material, the manufacturer and the end user. The supply chain process involved are complex, with each point in the journey ‘adding value’ and potentially adding to the “sustainability footprint” of the product.
As the commodity trading industry looks back on Q1 of 2023, it is evident that the first three months of the year have been marked by a number of significant events.
The financial services industry (FSI) has changed dramatically over the past decades due to technological developments in telecommunications, information technology, and financial practice.