So you’ve built yourself a blockchain, now what are you supposed to do with it?
In today’s geopolitical climate many foreign policy makers use sanctions or similar, steps such as the refusals to grant authorisations, to place economic pressure on governments, organisations and individuals.
TFG spoke to the leading trade, banking, forfaiting, factoring and open account industry bodies to get an update on the key projects, initiatives and milestones from 2019.
How can the UK ‘green’ its finance system? Meeting the Paris Agreement’s targets on greenhouse gas emissions is no easy feat. TFG spoke to Sir Roger Gifford, Chair of the UK Green Finance Institute, on how we can integrate climate science data and risk analysis into financial decision making to get sustainability at the forefront of the agenda for governments, banks and companies.
The next generation of technology-led financial services innovators are disrupting the industry in a big way, and TFG’s Deepesh Patel caught up with Natalie Ceeney CBE, Chair of Innovate Finance, at WCBI.
It is clear that NGOs play a major role in providing humanitarian aid. However, there are several NGOs that are responsible for facilitating national and international trade as well. Organizations like Care International, use trade as a tool to empower women by improving their financial literacy.
Today TFG record live from the ITFA Annual Meeting in Budapest. The conference covered developments within areas of supply chain finance, credit risk insurance and ever more creative risk distribution techniques, as well as the rise of fintech within the trade and open account environment.
Your Monday morning coffee briefing from TFG. Here are some of the last week’s updates from the trade sector. 9th September 2019.
Your Monday morning coffee briefing from TFG. Here are some of the last week’s updates from the trade sector. 2nd September 2019.
The volume of space dedicated to ‘trade wars’ in the past few months is vast. But this does not guarantee the subject has been properly examined and analysed. I would like to suggest another perspective, questioning some common assumptions.