If regulators and established FIs are to place their faith – and their capital – in Blockchain, it must have a financial crime control framework to match efficiency of the solutions blockchain offers.
Farmers are losing money regardless of their size, defaulting on existing facilities, and as such financiers are exiting structured commodity finance due to credit and compliance risks.
Collective action by sector players concentrating on continuing education, enabling women’s access to financial markets, and directing women to more value-added businesses can be a solution to remove barriers and promote women in trade.
COVID-19 has dominated the headlines for the last few months. But now, with the negotiations stepping up and the transition set to end by December, Brexit is moving back into the limelight.
Considering the stakes involved in managing the AML/KYC compliances are high, banks/ FI should carefully assess the options available with them and look holistically to mitigate the risk.
SMEs need to explore innovative financing options like trade credit insurance as they plan and prepare for the “new normal”.
By leveraging technology for insights, a banker can make well-informed decisions, in compliance with audit and ethics, which are in the best interest of the bank.
TFG heard from BACB’s Jeff Fallon, arguing that deeper Africa-Europe integration will be challenging in the new environment – here’s why.
The economic consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic are of an unprecedented scale in Europe. The twin supply-demand shock has resulted in the halting of production (at least partially) in many… read more →
TFG heard from IFC’s Qamar Saleem on the impact of Supply Chain Finance on domestic banks (and in turn, MSMEs,) in emerging and developing markets.