Event Details
TXF Political Risk and Credit Insurance 2019 will once again provide all attendees with the opportunity to be updated on the recent policy developments and network with key decision-makers.
Institute of Directors, London, United Kingdom
4th December, 2019
Join the event to develop a deeper understanding of the avenues to be unlocked by private insurance and put your ideas, experience and issues to underwriters, brokers, banks, exporters, law firms and other industry service providers all under one roof.
Following the new Basel legislation affecting capital relief the growing number of corporate users, the general perception of lack of capacity in certain parts of market and the new technology and platforms available there is no better time for the industry key players to get together to discuss the current and future developments.
Conference Highlights
The market for insuring corporate risk is growing rapidly, we catch up with pioneers in the field to get their views
- How do corporates view the product and when do they want to use it? At what point do they make the decision to buy insurance?
- Can corporates build stricter models, so the market understands they are acting out of company policy, rather than just bringing bad risk to the market? How would you incentivize corporate deal teams here?
- How do insurance policies and their wordings for corporates differ from banks, can they be standardised, or do they need to be bespoke?
Moving on from the PRA conversations the EBA and Basel IV pose very real changes to the status quo and the banks’ ability to use insurance for capital relief, we address:
- The impact of the finalisation of Basel III/IV on banks’ use of credit insurance as effective and efficient credit risk mitigation (CRM)
- Educating regulators: efforts by ITFA, ICISA and others to inform regulatory authorities of the benefits of insurance as CRM
- Regulatory impact: recent statements by the PRA, EBA on credit insurance and their impact on banks’ use of the product
- The importance of revisions to master risk participation agreements and trade (BAFT and ITFA)
- Importance of insurance for trade, bank lending and the real economy: what data would be useful and what data is available?
- The impact of technology on increasing efficiency, reducing costs and the ability to enable more SME business in short term trade
- Growth of bank-driven fintech programmes to allow customers to finance off balance sheet
- Evolution of insuring fast moving import and export of machinery an goods, receivables financing and structured trade financing
- Latest products for pre-payment and pre export – short term, not based on performance risk
- How strong is the availability of private credit insurance for short term transactions?
- Supply chain insurance on a portfolio basis for exporters and the effect of trade wars and geopolitical events such as Brexit on the ability of the supply chain to function
- Impact of Basel III Think Tank industry initiative to release standardised insurance policy wording for receivables on capital relief for banks and PRA framework
- Trade wars: Trump, China, balkanisation of trade and implications to the market and risk
- The consequences of the restrictions on Huawei and the telecom sector, what does this mean for the future of Chinese tech?
- BRI investment, what happens in the case of a sovereign restructuring or large default?
- US & UK Iran tensions, effect on oil prices
- Impact of Trump’s policies and relationships globally
- Brexit and insurance market what is next?
- Key LatAm markets; Brazil, Venezuela, Argentina, Mexico, Columbia, Cuba
- Key African economies and dealing with indebtedness
- Globally the outlook is pessimistic, will we have a major correction in the market or a downturn?
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