Event Details
IFN Forum Asia 2019, Kuala Lumpur
IFN are very excited to bring back their prestigious two-day annual IFN Forum Asia! This year, IFN will be the magnifying focus on issuers and investors surrounding The Asian Islamic capital market that has been leading the global industry, not only in size, but also in innovation and diversification.
Mandarin Oriental Hotel, Kuala Lumpur
23rd-24th April, 2019
What is the Asia IFN Forum about?
Conference Highlights
Opening Bell: Leading Corporates Discuss Funding and Capital-Raising Options
We examine funding in key sectors and industries and ask what represents effective corporate finance and capital-raising strategies across multiproduct areas and markets. What do corporates want and what can Islamic finance offer? How can the Malaysian GLC sector further employ and benefit from Islamic funding options? We ask a high-level panel to share their expertise and views.
IFN Fintech Huddle: Power Capital
What does technological innovation mean for capital-raising and financing for Shariah capital issuers? We discuss blockchain, ICOs and crowdfunding and identify what the next big tech shifts for raising money are.
Green Sukuk and Finance: Renewable Energy and Sustainable Projects
With SRI regulatory frameworks in place, the rise of stewardship and responsible investment, assets available and in many cases, fully Shariah compliant, green finance has a bright future. Through recent notable transactions we analyze product structures, investor demand, rating and reporting issues and ask whether green Sukuk is the way forward for funding sustainable and environmentally responsible projects and achieving sustainable development goals in Southeast Asia.
The Islamic Asset Management Industry: Challenges and Opportunities Going Forward
Where is the market today for Islamic asset management and from where will growth originate? Is Shariah compliant asset management a thematic investment strategy or a viable, self-supporting industry? Does the industry need to become more aligned to ESG/SRI? What is next for the Islamic ETF market? Through an engaging panel we seek answers. We also look at key challenges facing the industry, from product innovation to improving distribution channels through technology.
Environmental, Socially Responsible Investing and Islamic Investment: Opportunities for Development and Growth
We examine responsible, environmental and green finance in Asia and ask how ethical and Islamic finance can potentially become closer interlinked. We also discuss how Southeast Asia can grow its existing ESG niche among asset managers and owners and what role Islamic and ESG asset management can play toward achieving sustainable development goals. Do green bonds and Sukuk offer viable long-term investments and how can the industry address the relative scarcity of credible climate-related and low-carbon investment opportunities? When will Asia see the launch of a socially conscious ETF?
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